Daniel Ogris

The actor and singer graduated with honors from the Conservatory of the City of Vienna (now MUK) in 2005. Since then, he has performed as a freelance artist on various stages and festivals in German-speaking countries. Some of his previous stages include the Viennese cabaret Simpl, the Volkstheater Wien and the Theater der Jugend Wien, where he appeared in Christine Nöstlinger's Rosa Riedl Schutzgespenst. In 2010, he made his English-language debut as Bob Chrachit in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol at the International Theater Wien and in Shakespeare's As You Like It. He went on tour with Igor Bauersima's Norway today in 2012. He has a particular passion for children's and youth theater. He is a member of the ensemble of Märchensommer Niederösterreich, where he has regularly performed in modern adaptations of classic fairy tales since 2007. He also works as an author. He won the literary competition »das andere Buch« in 2012 with his short story die kleine Gu. His first children's radio play Professor Kluck's Crazy World was published in 2017.